DNA Tests

You can order your own AABB Accredited DNA Paternity test without needing a court order. We work with families, attorneys & courts to provide Court Admissible testing and testimony on the collection process.
Test results have a confidence level of 99.9% accuracy. We have a collection site scheduling program with thousands of clinics throughout the US so we can schedule testing for one or more of the parties involved and provide case management.
TestSource Lab provides DNA testing for the following legal matters:
- Paternity
- SneakPeek Gender Reveal
- Prenatal
- Siblingship
- Avuncular
- Deceased - Morgue
- Mobile at Hospitals
- Ability to Schedule Anywhere in the US

Prenatal Non-Invasive
DNA Test
You have the ability to determine paternity of the child before birth!
Testing involves collecting blood specimens from the mom-to-be from simple, non-invasive blood draws and a cheek swab from the potential father-to-be. The woman’s DNA is separated from the fetus’ and is tested against the man’s. Testing can occur after the 12th week of pregnancy and results are returned 7 business days after the collection.

Find out your baby's gender months earlier than other methods with the SneakPeek Early Baby Gender Blood Test
Simple blood draw required after 7 weeks of pregnancy. Results in 3 days, don't wait until an ultrasound is available. Cost: $129

Specialty DNA Testing Services
TestSource Lab is routinely contacted to perform non-standard DNA testing requests and please feel free to contact us for consultation:
- We go directly to the hospital to perform onsite DNA testing for the new born child! We have tested babies that are only a few hours old.
- We have confirmed paternity even in the absence of the alleged father through unique siblingship testing parameters or though grandparents. This can be of great peace of mind and also helps with inherited medical conditions, social security death benefits or inheritance cases.
- DNA paternity testing can be accomplished in coordination with the coroner’s office if the alleged father is deceased and the coroner has retained a specimen.
- Adopted children have conducted siblingship DNA tests to determine their biological siblings and we have even tested sisters in their 70’s.
- We can perform DNA testing nationwide. When one or both parties are in other States, we can collect DNA samples in other States and bring them together at the lab in order to process the DNA comparison and provide court-admissible results.
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