Can You Get a Paternity Test While Pregnant?

You can get a paternity test while pregnant. This is becoming a common DNA test that is non-invasive, does not require a physician’s order and provides results within nine days. The woman, future father and their families are increasingly seeking assurance that the future father is indeed correctly identified during the pregnancy. A safe, simple, non-invasive prenatal DNA test will provide the answer using DNA from the mother, father and baby and allows peace of mind and participation in the pregnancy and birth processes.
How accurate is prenatal DNA testing?
Just like any DNA paternity test, a prenatal DNA test is over 99% accurate. The testing labs are approved by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and has received a certificate of accreditation under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA).
Can a prenatal DNA test be wrong?
There is a minute chance of an inaccurate DNA test result. While we have never experienced that here at TestSource Labs, it is possible through human error. Since humans handle the materials and the lab results, there is always the possibility of a mistake being made. However, when a professional, certified lab administers the test, your chances of a DNA test being wrong are absolutely minimal.
Does prenatal DNA testing require a Physician’s order or need to be conducted in a hospital?
No. The prenatal DNA is is non-invasive and requires a simple blood draw from the arm of the mother to be. Amniocentesis or spinal taps are not used and a physician is not required to order a prenatal DNA test.
How is non-invasive prenatal DNA testing done?
The prenatal DNA test is simple. We take a cheek swab from the father and a simple blood draw from the mother — which gives us the DNA specimens for both mom and baby. The DNA from the mother & baby is separated we are able to compare the DNA between the baby and the future father. DNA is more unique to an individual than a fingerprint. So, we are able to compare the baby’s DNA to both the father and the mother’s DNA to come to a conclusion on paternity.
How much does a prenatal paternity test cost?
A prenatal DNA paternity test costs $1,600. Because it involves a blood draw from the mother — not an amniocentesis or spinal tap — and given the complexity of separating the mother’s DNA from the fetus, the cost of a prenatal DNA test is more than a simple paternity test. TestSource does offer financing options.
Still Have Questions About Your Prenatal DNA Test?
Our staff is ready to answer any questions you have and help you feel comfortable with your prenatal DNA test. Give us a call at (269) 216-3668 or visit our office right here in Kalamazoo.