On-Site Drug Testing for Kalamazoo Employers

On-site drug testing is a useful, practical, and convenient way to get your workplace testing or flu shots done. On-site means that instead of you coming to us — we come to you! And if you have ten or more employees and are less than an hour away from our location, there’s absolutely no extra charge for on-site services, and there’s only a minimal fee if you don’t meet those qualifications.
What Does On-site Drug Testing Mean?
On-site drug testing means that we bring our services to your school, place of business, or, in some cases, hospital. An extra charge may be applied, but it’s well worth it – on-site drug testing saves you a whole lot of time and effort.
How Do On-site Drug And Alcohol Tests Work?
On-site drug and alcohol testing works very much the same as testing at a facility, only a lot quicker and more efficient. The employees being tested for drugs will be given a cup to collect a urine sample in; sometimes blue dye will be put in the toilets and the water supply turned off to prevent potential alteration of the sample. The samples will then be marked, securely collected, and sent off to the lab for testing. Results will be delivered within 72 hours.
The alcohol test is also a traditional breathalyzer test, conducted in private.
What Are The Benefits Of On-site Drug Testing?
The benefits of on-site testing are numerous. It saves the employees valuable time — instead of having to drive to a facility and perform the test, it can be done in as little as 5-10 minutes at their workplace, meaning that their workday is not diverted. Time is money! It’s also incredibly efficient — it allows for most or all employees to be tested at roughly the same time. We’ve conducted 250 drug tests at a workplace on the same day! It can be scheduled to fit perfectly into your day. On-site testing is a true time- and money-saver.
On-Site Drug and Alcohol Testing in Kalamazoo
So, if you’re in need of on-site testing in Kalamazoo for your workplace or school’s drug and alcohol testing, flu shots, wellness screening, or any of the other services we offer, don’t hesitate to contact us now at (269) 216-3668 to schedule.